Scarr's Pizza Reigns Supreme


When in New York, there is no shortage of pies that could easily qualify as the best in the city. But when it comes to the famous slice, Scarr’s pizza reigns solo. And of course you have to opt for the original plain cheese. Eat it standing on the curb, or take a seat in the back – ordering a glass of slightly mousy, natural wine. What more could you possibly need?

Well, perhaps the knowledge of the pizza being made with high-quality, organic ingredients. And perhaps the fact that the 100% All-Natural Stone Milled Flour is sourced from Upstate New York, and milled right there in the basement on the Lower East Side every single day. The simple, naturally sweet tomato sauce might just what makes the slice so damn addictive though.

No trip to New York should be without.

Scarr’s Pizza 22 Orchard St, New York.


Words: Lene Haugerud

Place, Editor's PicksLene Haugerud