The Diary of a Lost Apple


The Diary of a Lost Apple is an illustrated story of love, nature and mankind – by Nina Nordal Rønne.

1 Monday.jpg


I wake up by the sound of the doorbell. After a few more rings I go to the window and open it. Could it be you? I see no one. It is a dark morning, a black Monday. I’m still sleepy. I go back to bed.

2 Tuesday.jpg


I used to buy flowers, but I haven’t for a long time. With you I never worried about the next day. We were survivers. 

Instead I walk through the Botanical Gardens, bring my pens and draw. I pick up shades of brown and green. 

This is where I go when I need to think of you, as dead.

3 Wednesday.jpg


I think of apples, and of the variety of fruits and hungers.

I used to be an apple. You wanted to know everything I know. 

Then you forgot.

4 Thursday.jpg


I drink wine and chat with a friend through the screen. When will we travel again?

We look up places at Google Earth. The Fiji islands are looking back.

5 Friday.jpg


I turn off the telly in the middle of a talkshow. I was’t listening anyway. The voices are many, but the silence is louder these days. I don’t hear from you. 

6 Saturday.jpg


I imagine to be a couple, or even a family. 

I miss being with someone, no matter time, no matter species.


I lie in bed, sleepless. Are you also awake? Do we have a future?

Do the past also call you to the door? Or is it the future calling us?

I just want you to know, if you ever miss your lost apple, please give me a sign.

*The Diary of a Lost Apple was first commissioned by Ambi. is 2019, and then published as as an e-book, which you can find here.

Want to see more of Nina’s work? Take a look at her website.